The Astonishing Heart
In this edition:
The astonishing design of the human heart
Writer’s corner
Featured Lady Lit – Janet Weiner, historical novel writer
Author Give Away – Nov. 5 - 12 (see last post in this blog)
I teach an anatomy lab one day a week at a local university. Here’s some of the little known facts about the human heart my students will hear about this week.
How does a baby go from breathing water to breathing air?
Prior to birth, there’s no need to pump blood to the lungs. A baby relies on mom for oxygen.
At the exact moment of birth, a tiny hole between the right and left upper chambers of the heart closes. At the same time, the connection between the blood vessels that carry blood to the lungs and the rest of the body snaps shut too. Blood flows to the lungs for the first time in the baby’s life!
Did you know the developing baby can mend Mom’s heart?
Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine discovered that fetal stem cells can repair the maternal heart after a heart attack or other injury.
Researchers found that stem cells from the placenta migrate to the heart of the mother and home in one the site where an injury occurred. The stem cells then reprogram themselves as heart cells.
Did you know the heart is far more than just a pump?
This one is mind-bending! The heart is almost always described as a pump. But the heart also decides where to send blood. Tiny structures in one of the chambers of the heart choose where to send newly oxygenated blood that just arrived from the lungs. The design of the heart and arteries create vortexes (like tiny tornados) that send blood to different parts of the body that need it most.
How does the heart do that? The thinking is that if a blood vessel is stressed and in need of extra oxygen, it emits faint electromagnetic signals that tell the heart where to send blood.
Did you know the heart has overflow chambers that can pump extra blood if needed?
The heart has muscular pouches above the two upper chambers of the heart. They're called auricles. Their job is to work as overflow vessels. Blood flows into them during times of stress allowing the heart to pump more blood than normal.
Did you know the heart takes sides? Well, not really . . .
The right side of a normal heart is smaller and the left side is larger. That’s because the right side only has to pump to the lungs and back to the heart. The left side has a far larger job. It has to pump all the way to your toes and back up to your heart.
Truly we are “fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 134:14
So you’ve written that short story or novel. You’ve sent it off to the beta-readers for their suggestions. Hopefully your fellow writers and/or friends spotted stuff you missed because although you know the story backwards and forwards, they don't. So what’s the next step?
An editor is a good idea whether you self-publish or not. There are lots of different kinds. A developmental editor will help fill in holes in your story. They’ll suggest adding or deleting scenes and maybe even characters. A copy editor will help with word usage such as grammar, spelling, capitalization, etc. Finally, a proofreader will catch any final glitches for the final polish.
For all the different types of editors and the one that might be right for you, see:
Book One in the Gates of Telandra has made it through five beta readers. It goes off to the editor the first week of November.
I’ve seen read this experienced editor’s work and marveled at how awesome she is. If you’d like the editor’s name, feel free to write me. I hired her at the beginning of August. She’s in such demand she couldn’t fit me in until November!
Janet Joanou Weiner is an American who has lived in France for the last twenty years. She writes historical novels about events that took place in her town of St. Hippolyte du Fort. Her home is the 500-year-old Château de Planque that has been taken over many times in the past by the military.
Janet’s first novel centers on the courage and faith of the Huguenots, or protestants, who were persecuted under Louis the 14th.
Janet is currently working on the third novel in the series. It focuses on World War 2 with the German army’s arrival in her town and the Nazi’s use of the Château de Planque as their headquarters.
Her first novel, Though Darkness Descend and the second, The Light Shines Through are available on Amazon at:
Starts Nov. 5 at 12:00 am
Ends Nov. 12 at 12:00 am
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